

Hochschule für Musik Würzburg, 2024–
Professor of conducting (Blasorchesterleitung)

Arsis Mundi, Andreja Šolar, 2020–
Conductor and Professor

Armed Forces Band Ljubljana, 2001–2019
Leader of a concert orchestra, 2018–2019
Artistic director – conductor, 2011–2018
Assistant conductor, 2008–2011
Percussionist – group leader, 2001–2008

orkester slovenske vojske


University of Ljubljana, Academy of Music, Slovenia
Academic musician
Symphonic conducting (prof. Marko Letonja), April 2006
(Instrument: piano)

Zuid–Nederlandse Hogeschool voor Muziek Maastricht/Tilburg, Netherlands
Wind orchestra conducting (prof. Jan Cober), May 2002
(full-time postgraduate course)

University of Ljubljana, Academy of Music, Slovenia
Professor of Music
Music Pedagogy, September 2001
(Instrument: piano)

Music and Ballet Conservatory Ljubljana, Slovenia
Music Theory, 1995
Percussion, 2003

Secondary School for Economy and Tourism Radovljica, Slovenia
Graduate of the tourism program

Music School Radovljica, Slovenia
Piano, 1985–1993


Maestro Jorma Panula
Conducting Masterclass, Budapest, Hungary, August 2020, 2021, 2023

Maestro Dejan Savić
Opera Conducting Masterclass, State Opera Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, September 2021

School of Music Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Wind orchestra and big band conducting (Senior Musician Course)
September 2007–April 2008

Maestro G. Pehlivanian
Conducting Masterclass, Gandia, Spain, July 2004


Orchestra’s Conductor Competition – 3rd Prize and Special Prize for the best female conductor
Filharmonica Braşov, Romania, 2022

Blue Danube/Bela Bartok Opera Conducting Competition – semi-final
State opera Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 2021



State opera Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

Symphony Orchestra

Filarmonica Braşov  (Braşov Philharmonic Orchestra), Romania

MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar (MÁV Symphony Orchestra), Budapest, Hungary

Tiroler Symphonieorchester (Symphony Orchestra Tirol), Innsbruck, Austria

Orkester SNG Maribor (Slovene National Theatre), Maribor, Slovenia

Orkester Slovenske filharmonije (Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Orkester RTV Slovenija (RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Simfonični orkester AG (Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Symphony Orchestra

Wind Band

Banda Sinfonica Municipal de Madrid (Municipal Symphonic Band), Madrid, Spain

Ensemble de Sopros AFCL, Leiria, Portugal

Nacionālo bruņoto spēku orkestra (Latvian Armed Forces Band), Rīga, Latvia

Orkestar Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske (Croatian Armed Forces Band), Zagreb, Croatia

ÚstřednÍ hudba AČR (Czech Armed Forces Band), Praha, Czech Republic

Policijski orkester (Police Band Ljubljana), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Landes Blasorchester Tirol (Wind Orchestra Tirol), Austria

Symphonisches Blasorchester Klagenfurt (Klagenfurt Symphonic Wind Ensemble), Austria

Blasorchester Johann-Joseph-Fux Konservatorium (Concert Band of the Johann-Joseph-Fux Conservatory), Graz, Austria

Fanfarekorps Eendracht Nieuwenhagerheide (Fanfare Band Eendracht Nieuwenhagerheide), The Netherlands

Pihalni orkester Lesce (Windband Lesce), Slovenia, 1998–2002

Wind Band


Slovenski komorni zbor (Slovenian Chamber Choir), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Klapa Sv. Juraj Hrvatske ratne mornarice (Croatian Armed Forces Choir Sv. Juraj), Split, Croatia

Mladinski pevski zbor RTV Slovenija (Youth Choir of RTV Slovenia), Ljubljana, Slovenia


Chamber Orchestra

Wind Ensemble “Ensemble de Sopros AFCL” Leiria, Portugalska, 2023

Trobilni ansambel Slovenske filharmonije – TASF (Slovenian Philharmonic Brass Ensemble – TASF) Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2005–2007

Ansambel za sodobno glasbo MD-7 (Ensemble MD-7 for Contemporary Music), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Komorni orkester gledališča Celje (Chamber Orchestra of the The Celje City Theatre), Celje, Slovenia


Masterclass for windband conductors, Leiria, Portugal, 2023
with Ensemble de Sopros AFCL, Leiria, Portugal

Fontys School of Fine and Performing arts, Eindhoven, NL, 2020–
Guest conducting teacher

Meisterkurs des NÖBV – Niederösterreichische Blasmusikverband
Masterclass for windband conductors
Austria, 2021, 2022

Tiroler Bläserwoche
Seminar for windband conductors and youth music camp
Innsbruck, Austria, 2021, 2022

Seminar za dirigente puhačkih orkestara
Hrvatski sabor kulture (Course for wind band conductors, Croatian Cultural Association)
Daruvar, Croatia, 2022

Online seminar za dirigente puhačkih orkestara
Hrvatski sabor kulture (Online course for wind band conductors, Croatian Cultural Association)
Croatia, 2020

Seminar za dirigente puhačkih orkestara
Hrvatski sabor kulture (Course for wind band conductors, Croatian Cultural Association)
Zagreb, Croatia, 2019


1er Certamen de Bandes de secció especial de la diputació de Valéncia
Competition for wind bands
Valencia, Spain, 2023

Orchesterwettbewerb, Music Austria,  Ried im Innkreis
Competition for wind bands
Ried, Austria, 2022

Blasmusik – Impulse (Blasmusik Verband Tirol)
Haus der Musik, Innsbruck, Austria, 2021

XXVI Viispārējie latviešu dziesmu un XVI deju svētki, Pūtēju orkestru końkurss
XXVI Nationwide Latvian Song and XVI Dance Celebration, Competition of windbands
Riga, Latvia, 2018

13ª edizione del Concorso Bandistico Internazionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Competition for wind bands)
Bertiolo (UD), 2018

Revija pihalnih orkestrov slovenskih glasbenih šol
7th national meeting of wind bands from Slovenian music schools
Šentjur, Slovenia, 2018, 2022

10. Österreichischer Blasmusikwettbewerb, CMA – Ossiach
competition for wind bands
Ossiach Austria, 2018

2. Internationaler Jugendblasorchesterwettbewerb der Kategorie Superior Jugendblasorchester (SYWO)
2nd International Youth Wind Orchestra competition in the category of Superior Youth Wind Orchestra (SYWO)
Linz, Austria, 2017

Landeskonzert Wettbewerb & Landeswettbewerb “Polka, Walzer, Marsch”, CMA – Ossiach
Competition for wind bands
Ossiach, Austria, 2016

Erster Internationaler Jugendblasorchesterwettbewerb der Kategorie Superior Jugendblasorchester (SYWO)
First International Youth Wind Orchestra competition in the category of Superior Youth Wind Orchestra (SYWO)
Linz, Austria, 2015

Landeskonzert Wettbewerb, CMA – Ossiach
Competition for wind bands
Ossiach, Austria, 2014

33. državno tekmovanje slovenskih godb
33th national competition of Slovenian brass bands
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2013

2. tekmovanje mladinskih godb
2nd competition of youth brass bands
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2012

Blasorchesterwettbewerb Ried im Innkreis
Competition for wind bands
Ried, Austria, 2006

6. Österreichischer Blasmusikwettbewerb
Competition for wind bands
Feldkirchen, Austria, 2005

5. Österreichischer Blasmusikwettbewerb
Competition for wind bands
Feldkirchen, Austria, 2005


Prešeren Theater Kranj
for the play „Nikolaj Vasiljevič Gogolj – Revizor“ („Auditor“)
direction Mateja Koležnik

Ljubljana City Theatre
for the play „Karl Schönherr – Hudič Babji“ („The She-Devil“)
direction Mateja Koležnik


Transcriptions for wind orchestra

Uroš Krek/trans. Andreja Šolar
RAPSODIČNI PLES (Rhapsodic dance)

Marjan Kozina/trans. Andreja Šolar
NA SVOJI ZEMLJI, Suite from the Movie

Bojan Adamič/trans. Andreja Šolar

Jani Golob/trans. Andreja Šolar

Mojmir Sepe/F. M. Ježek/ Arr. Patrik Greblo/trans. Andreja Šolar

Leonard Bernstein/trans. Andreja Šolar
»MARIA« from the Muzical »West side story«

Mojmir Sepe/trans. Andreja Šolar

Luis E. Bacalov/trans. Andreja Šolar
»MI MANCERAI« from the Movie »Il Postino«

Jure Robežnik/Dušan Velkaverh/trans. Andreja Šolar

Giacomo Puccini/trans. Andreja Šolar
»QUANDO ME’N’VO« from the Opera »La Bohéme«

Maurice Ravel/trans. Andreja Šolar

Serge Rachmaninoff/trans. Andreja Šolar
VOCALISE, op. 34, No. 14

Johann Strauß/trans. Andreja Šolar
WIENER BLUT, op. 354

Hardy Mertens/trans. for Fanfare Andreja Šolar

Transcriptions vocalise